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Showing posts from 2016

Choir Practice for October and November

Hey guys, here are the pracs for Oct and Nov, and as you can see, with have two busy months ahead of us in preparation for the upcoming overseas competition. Remember to not only revise your scores well, but to also take good care of yourselves so as not to fall sick. All the best and stay strong !! :))) (P.S Practices highlighted in red are for those going to Hong Kong) Date Month Day Time Remarks Venue 14 October Friday 7:30am-12pm School 15 October Saturday 8:30am-12pm School 19 October Wednesday 2pm-5pm School 21 October Friday 2:30pm-6:30pm Siglap South CC 22 October Saturday 8:30am-12pm School 26 October Wednesday 2pm-5pm Siglap South CC 28 October Friday 8:30am-12pm School 2 November Wednesday 8:30am-12pm School 4 November Friday

Choir Practice for September

Hey guys, there will not be any practices in September due to the upcoming SA2 examinations that are just around the corner. Please ensure that all of you revise your scores and take this time during the one week break to study for your SA2. All the best !! On a side note, we would like to wish our teachers-in-charge, along with other teachers in the school, Happy Teacher's Day!!! :)))

Choir Practice for August

Hey guys, it's the start of a new month(yay) and these are the pracs for this month. As CA2 is around the corner, please take good care of yourselves and rest well! :))) Date Month Day Time Remarks 3 August Wednesday 3:45-6:00pm 5 August Friday 2:30-6:30pm 19 August Friday 2:30-6:30pm 24 August Wednesday 3:45-6:00pm 26 August Friday 2:30-6:30pm 31 August Wednesday 3:45-6:00pm

Choir Practice for July

Hey guys, here are the prac dates for July. Take note that there is no prac on 6 July due to Hari Raya and with that wishing all Muslim members Selamat Hari Raya in advance !! :) Date Month Day  Time Remarks 29 June Wednesday 3:45-6:00pm 1 July Friday 2:30-6:30pm 1st combined speech day rehearsal  7 July Thursday 3:30-6:00pm 2nd combined speech day rehearsal 8 July Friday 2:30-6:30pm 9 July Saturday TBC SYF outreach @OneKM Mall 12 July Tuesday 3:30-6:00pm Full dress rehearsal 13 July Wednesday 3:45-6:00pm 14 July Thursday 3:30-6:00pm Standby rehearsal 15 July Friday 2:30-6:30pm 16 July Saturday TBC Speech day cum Homecoming Carnival 20 July Wednesday 3:45-6:00pm 22 July Friday 2:30-6:30pm 27 Ju

Sec 1 Music Lessons

Hey guys, this schedule is for the sec 1's music lesson and please take note that the venue is at the Library 2nd Level Instructional Room  !! Date Month Day  Time Theory content  Musical Concept 29 June Wednesday 3:30-4:30pm Accidentals Semitones and tones Cancelling an accidental F = forte ff = fortissimo legato 6 July Wednesday 3:30-4:30pm The scales and key signatures of C, G, D and F major Lento Mezzo Mf(mezzo forte) 13 July Wednesday 3:30-4:30pm Degrees of the scale and intervals The tonic triad Mp (mezzo piano) Moderato P (Piano) 20 July Wednesday 3:30-4:30pm Composing an Answering rhythm Pp (pianissimo) Pocp Rallentando Ritardando Staccato 27 July Wednesday 3:30-4:30pm General Exercise 1-2 Tempo Signs and Directions 3 August Wednesday 3:30-4:30pm Theory Paper Practice