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Choir Practices for March

Hey guys, Aiman here :)  These are the choir practices for the month of March. Do take note that there will be a choral workshops and performances during the March holidays @ SSCC. Do revise your scores and continue practising as SYF is nearing! Let's all work hard and acheive that Distinction :) Upcoming Practices S/N Date Day Timing Remarks 1. 1 March Friday 2.30pm to 6.30pm OBS Camp 2. 2 March Saturday 7.30am to 12.30pm PT: 7.30am to 9.00am 3. 6 March Wednesday 2.00pm to 5.00pm Bonding Day 4. 8 March Friday 2.30pm to 6.30pm - 5. 9 March Saturday 8.30am to 12.00pm Choir Workshop @SSCC - Arrive SSCC by 9.30am 6. 13 March Wednesday 3.45pm to 6.15pm - 7. 15 March Friday No Practice E-learning Day 8. 16 March Saturday 11.30am to 3.00pm Choir Workshop @SSCC - Arrive SSCC by 12.00pm 9. 18 March Monday 1.00pm to 4.00pm - 10. 22 March Friday 9.30am to 2.0...
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Choir Practices for February

Hey guys, Aiman here :)  These are the choir practices for the month of February. Do take note that there will be a SYF Rehearsal @ SOTA at 3pm on 23 February. Do revise your scores and continue practising as SYF is slowly nearing! Let's all work hard and acheive that Distinction :) Upcoming Practices S/N Date Day Timing Remarks 1. 1 February Friday 2.30pm - 6.30pm Sec 1s Introduction to Choir 2. 5 February Wednesday - No Practice: CNY Holiday 3. 8 February Friday 3.45pm - 6.15pm Sec 1s will join the Choir for first official practice 4. 13 February Wednesday 2.30pm - 6.30pm 5. 15 February Friday 3.45pm - 6.15pm 6. 20 February Wednesday 2.30pm - 6.30pm 7. 22 February Friday...

Choir Practices for October/November Holidays

Hey guys, Aiman here :) These are the choir practices for the months of October and November over the holidays. Do take note that there is a briefing for the Hong Kong Overseas Trip on 24 November at 2pm. Practices on 2 November and 9 November will start later in the morning due to O Level Examinations going on. Do revise your scores and continue practising as our competition is slowly nearing! Let's all work hard and acheive that Gold for Asia Cantate :) Upcoming Practices S/N Date Day Timing Remarks 1. 17 October Wednesday 2.30pm - 5.30pm For All 2. 19 October Friday 2.30pm - 6.00pm For All 3. 26 October Friday 8.30am - 12.00pm For All 4. 27 October Saturday 8.30am - 12.00pm Asia Cantate Only 5. 2 November Friday 10.30am - 12.30pm 1.30 pm - 3.30pm For All Asia Cantate Only 6. 3 November Saturday 8.30am - 12.00pm Asia Cantate Only 7. 9 November Friday 9.30am - 12.00pm For All 8. 10 N...