Hey guys, on 19th December there will be practice from 1PM - 4PM, we will then have a break for you guys to change and have dinner. You are to assemble at Tampines MRT station's passenger service counter by 6:15PM. Please assemble in school based attire and bring along the attire for carolling, water bottles and your black files with your scores. Try not to bring any unnecessary things. Carolling will be from 7:00PM to 7:30PM for the sessions at Tampines Mall for 19th, 20th, 21st and 23rd December. The attire for the next few days will be:
19th Dec - Choir Shirt, dark-coloured jeans and covered shoes.
20th - White long sleeved shirt, any coloured long pants and covered shoes.
21st - Penguin Suit.
23rd - Same as 19th.
24th - Penguin Suit.
Announcement: There will be choir practice for everyone on Saturday at 8am . Now the translations... J'entends le Moulin translation J'entends le moulin, tique tique taque I can hear the mill, tick tick jolt. Mon père a fait batir maison My father built a house Sont trois charpentiers qui la font Three carpenters helped him Le plus jeune, c'est mon mignon The youngest is my true love Qu'apportes-tu dans ton jupon? What are you carrying? C'est un pâté de trois pigeons It's a pie of three pigeons Asseyons-nous et le mangeons Let's sit down and eat it En s'asseyant il fit un bond While sitting down it made a jump Qui fit trembler mer et poisson A jump that trembled the sea and fishes Et les cailloux qui sont au fond And the rocks which are at the bottom That's it. It isn't suppose to make sense. Just that the final syllabus in each line rhymes with "-tends" in "j'entends" Itsumo Nando Demo (Spirited Away) translation Yondeir...