Hello choir. Hope that you all are enjoying mugging during this period.
*Edit: I've closed all outstanding orders for VJchoir's SOV on Friday, 9th May! Remember that the concert will be on Monday evening , 12th May, 7.30pm, Esplanade Concert Hall. Please meet at the concourse for ticket collection. (the area on ground floor of the concert hall block, where you take the escalator up from walking via Citilink Mall). Further arrangements (if any) to be made and confirmed soon!
*Good news for members who missed money collection last week for VJchoir's concert.
I'll be open for money collection for three concerts this time -VJchoir's Symphony of Voices (12th May), AJchoir's VoyAJe (18th May), and TPJchoir's Plaisir de Chanson (19th May).
$21 for VJchoir's concert, $16 for AJchoir's concert and $16 for TPJchoir's concert. (inclusive of Sistic handling fees)
Reminder: it's compulsory for VJchoir once again, because they are really great in music making. However, do note that you will be seated away from the rest of the choir who have paid earlier. (but doesn't make much of a difference because the view from any part of Esplanade Concert Hall is great)
I'll be open for money collection until Friday, 9th May for VJchoir's concert. For the other two concerts, I'll be open until Friday, 16th May. I'll be at the canteen table outside the Peer Support Board room every morning up till 7.20pm (latest), so do look for me then for payment.
Also, I'll be calling some of you guys to confirm your ticket orders if you have "registered" with me the last practice before the exams (which was a Saturday), or any other day. If you paid direct to Bing Xing on Tuesday afternoon, no worries because your name has been noted down. =)
It will be great if you can leave me an email/message over MSN Messenger at cc_taykenneth92@yahoo.com.sg to let me know that you're going for a particular concert if you have yet to tell me, or you can always let me know in person.
Once again, happy mugging, and may everyone score many-many A1s for this mid-year exams!
Crazy reminder: We're exactly one month away from flying to Europe! Mug hard now, practice hard after mugging, and enjoy flying to the far West!
*Edit: I've closed all outstanding orders for VJchoir's SOV on Friday, 9th May! Remember that the concert will be on Monday evening , 12th May, 7.30pm, Esplanade Concert Hall. Please meet at the concourse for ticket collection. (the area on ground floor of the concert hall block, where you take the escalator up from walking via Citilink Mall). Further arrangements (if any) to be made and confirmed soon!
I'll be open for money collection for three concerts this time -
Reminder: it's compulsory for VJchoir once again, because they are really great in music making. However, do note that you will be seated away from the rest of the choir who have paid earlier. (but doesn't make much of a difference because the view from any part of Esplanade Concert Hall is great)
Also, I'll be calling some of you guys to confirm your ticket orders if you have "registered" with me the last practice before the exams (which was a Saturday), or any other day. If you paid direct to Bing Xing on Tuesday afternoon, no worries because your name has been noted down. =)
It will be great if you can leave me an email/message over MSN Messenger at cc_taykenneth92@yahoo.com.sg to let me know that you're going for a particular concert if you have yet to tell me, or you can always let me know in person.
Once again, happy mugging, and may everyone score many-many A1s for this mid-year exams!
Crazy reminder: We're exactly one month away from flying to Europe! Mug hard now, practice hard after mugging, and enjoy flying to the far West!
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Sayounara !